July 23, 2004

Run for the Border  

Well, it's time to leave Moz...and we're taking up a kind offer from a travel buddy and driving the last few hundred KM. Today we departed Pemba/Wembe Beach with Chris and Jenny. Chris, like a number of peeps we've met in Africa, works for an American-based NGO (Non-Government Organization) that's removing thousands of landmines from Northern Moz each week (an unfortunate byproduct of the liberation from Portugal). We're joined by ever-pleasant & witty Jenny, a Brit who also has been working in Moz for over a year.

Jim, Janet, Chris and Jenny

The first day of our excursion featured quality tarmac, tunes courtesy of the ipod and more leg room than I'm been used to getting for a long time :-). We spent the night in Mueda with Chris and fellow NGO Steve, preparing for the journey to the Tanzanian border in the AM.
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