July 21, 2004


Before we left the rather uninspiring environs of Nampula, we treated our Mozambiquian translator, travel companion and newfound friend Mikesh to a much deserved dinner, after he cleared it with his wife (apparently an American woman taking a Moz'ian to dinner raises a little suspicion :-)). Mikesh is one "local" we won't soon forget - someone whose good nature was as easy to see as his deep chuckle was to hear.

Jim, Janet and friend Mikesh, post-indulging

After yet another ever-so-enjoyable Moz transportation adventure we arrived at Pemba, Moz's third largest port. Just south of Pemba is very chill Wembe Beach, a quaint spot that we headed to as fast as our travel-weary bodies (and of all things a TAXI CAB!) would take us.

Paradise Found

After checking in at Russel's Place, a cool backpacker not too far from the beach, we relieved our days in Brazil with a tasty (and well earned) Caiperoska (vodka with tons of lime and sugar....yum).
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